What is Content Marketing:
Marketing in the 21st Century Without Being "Salesy"

Improve Your Website’s SEO, Establish Trust with Customers, and Increase Conversions with Quality Content

Effective content marketing is providing your readers, prospects, and customers with useful information they are seeking out. This information can take the form of:

  • Blog posts
  • Listicles
  • Webinars
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • and other forms of media

Content Marketing has been called THE marketing trend of the 21st century. PR Newswire projects a $417.85 growth in contention marketing by 2025. 


When done correctly, content marketing establishes your company as a leader in your niche. Your prospects and customers will keep coming back to you again and again because you give them what they want.

And what they want is answers.

Good content gives your prospects and customers valuable information that answers their questions and helps them find what they are looking for.

When Done Effectively, Content Marketing Has Massive Benefits for Your Business

Contact Marketing can help your business by:

  • Increasing audience engagement
  • Raising your brand’s awareness
  • Increasing sales
  • And more

There is a downside, however.

Content Marketing is only effective when it features well-researched informative information that is not simply rehashed from other sources.

And it can’t be simply copied and pasted from other sources.

To improve the user experience, Google has refined its algorithms to weed out obviously keyword-stuffed content, low-quality content, and content stolen from other sites.

Content Marketing Only Works by Providing

High-Quality Information

The only way to make Content Marketing work for your business is to put in the work and generate quality content that helps viewers get to where they want to go.

That’s where I come in.

I can help you develop an effective content strategy based on your needs.

Not getting noticed online? I can develop a top-of-the-funnel strategy for you.

Trouble converting leads to sales? I can prescribe a solution for that, too.

With all of the choices out there for Content Marketing, it can sometimes be confusing as to which type of content you need.

By scheduling a Discovery Call,. I can learn about your company and your needs and help you determine what type of content you need and where in your funnel you need it.

Below are just some of the Content Marketing services I offer.

Fill out the Contact Form on this page today and we can set up a Discovery Call to discuss your needs.

Digital Marketing expert Cris Johnson picture

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Content Marketing Certification

Please enter your info below to set up your FREE, no-obligation Discovery Call!

Just for responding, you will also receive three powerful reports:

  • “5 Critical Reasons Why Your Website May Not Be Doing Its Job!”


  • “7 Widely-Believed Myths of SEO… BUSTED!”


  • “10 Benefits of Email Marketing”


Customer Persona

Learn why a Customer Persona is your company's secret weapon

CUSTOMER PERSONA: Your Marketing Secret Weapon

Understanding your customer's wants, needs, and desires is the foundation to a successful marketing campaign. Once you've established your Customer Persona, you'll have a roadmap of the kind of content you'll need to produce to move your customers and prospects along your funnel. I can help you develop a Customer Persona in a 90-minute Zoom service to help you pinpoint your ideal client.
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Pillar Posts

Go beyond run-of-the-mill blog posts

PILLAR POSTS: Establish Your Company as Your Niche Leader

A pillar post is a blog post or article that covers a subject thoroughly and completely for your reader. Rather than just cover a segment of a topic, a pillar post goes in-depth and gives your customers and prospects a well-researched, SEO-optimized resource that answers a key question that may have prevented them from moving further into your funnel.
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Facebook Ads

Using advertisements to get attention

FACEBOOK ADS: Move your prospects to take action

Facebook ads offer a great ROI…when used correctly. Too many Facebooks ads just ask for a sale in a sterile manner. An effective Facebook Ad strategy stirs your customers’ emotions and moves them to take action to learn more. I have 20 effective and unique strategies that can be customized for YOUR market that grab attention quickly and easily.
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White Papers

Provide in-depth information on a product

WHITE PAPERS: Giving prospects a complete break-down of a complex product

White papers help prospects understand the workings of a very technical or complex product….as well as how the product fits in with other technologies. I can write a white paper that clearly explains your product in ways your prospects will understand, all without hype or industry jargon
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Maintain contact with your leads and prospects

NEWSLETTERS: Utilize one of your company’s greatest asset

An effective newsletter offers your company a targeted marketing solution with an amazing ROI. Using your customer persona, I’ll help you develop an effective newsletter strategy and produce the content on a regular basis to nurture the relationship with your leads and current customers.
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Case Studies

Your customers' success can be your best marketing asset

CASE STUDIES: Your customers’ success can sell for you

Satisfied customers offer social proof better than any other marketing method. Instead of singing your praises…your clients can do it for you. Based on studying your customers’ history with your company, I’ll craft effective case studies that highlights how your product or service helped them solve their problem in a way that engages viewers.
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